Download BIGSLOPE.8xp



Source Code

:StorePic 0
:While (Q84)
:Output(1,1,"1. ENTER dY/dX")
:Output(2,1,"2. EDIT SETUP")
:Output(3,1,"3. DRAW SLOPES")
:Output(4,1,"4. EULERS METHOD")
:Output(5,1,"5. DRAW SOLUTION")
:Output(7,1,"SELECT 1-5, OR 6TO EXIT.")
:While ((D92) and (D93) and (D94) and (D82) and (D83) and (D84))
:If (Q84)
:If (Q=92)
:Input "dY/dX = ",Str1
:If (Q=93)
:Output(1,1,"1. Xmin = ")
:Output(2,1,"2. Xmax = ")
:Output(3,1,"3. Ymin = ")
:Output(4,1,"4. YMax = ")
:Output(5,1,"5. RES = ")
:Output(6,1,"6. AXES = ")
:Output(7,1,"7. XScl = ")
:Output(8,1,"8. YScl = ")
:While ((D92) and (D93) and (D94) and (D82) and (D83) and (D84) and (D72) and (D73))
:If (D=92)
:Input ("Xmin = ",Xmin)
:If (D=93)
:Input ("Xmax = ",Xmax)
:If (D=94)
:Input ("Ymin = ",Ymin)
:If (D=82)
:Input ("YMax = ",YMax)
:If (D=83)
:If R=1
:If (D=84)
:If M=1
:If (D=72)
:Input ("XScl = ",XScl)
:If (D=73)
:Input ("YScl = ",YScl)
:If ((D=92) or (D=93) or (D=94) or (D=82) or (D=83))
:StorePic 0
:If (Q=94)
:If (O=1)
:If (R=1)
:Lbl P
:Lbl Q
:Goto Q
:Goto P
:StorePic 0
:If (M=0)
:RecallPic 0
:If (Q=82)
:Repeat not((N=0) and (P=2))
:If ((N=0) and (P=2))
:If (N=1)
:Input ("INITIAL X = ",X)
:Input ("INITIAL Y = ",Y)
:Input ("STEP SIZE = ",H)
:If (M=0)
:While ((XXmax) and (XXmin) and (YYMax) and (YYmin) and (W<999))
:RecallPic 0
:Output(4,1,"PRESS 1 FOR YES,2 FOR NO.")
:While ((D92) and (D93))
:If (P=1)
:Output(1,1,"1. QuadReg ")
:Output(2,1,"2. CubicReg")
:Output(3,1,"3. QuartReg")
:Output(4,1,"4. LnReg ")
:Output(5,1,"5. ExpReg ")
:Output(6,1,"6. PwrReg ")
:Output(7,1,"7. LOGIstIc")
:Output(8,1,"8. SInReG")
:While ((D92) and (D93) and (D94) and (D82) and (D83) and (D84) and (D72) and (D73))
:Fix 3
:If (D=92)
:QuadReg L5,L6,Y8
:If (D=93)
:If (D=94)
:If (D=82)
:LnReg L5,L6,Y8
:If (D=83)
:ExpReg L5,L6,Y8
:If (D=84)
:PwrReg L5,L6,Y8
:If (D=72)
:If (D=73)
:Output(1,1,"SOLUTION F(X) = ")
:If (Q=83)
:If (N=0)
:Output(1,1,"DRAW EULER'S SOLUTION ?")
:Output(4,1,"PRESS 1 FOR YES,2 FOR NO.")
:While ((D92) and (D93))
:If L=1
:If ((N=1) or (L=2))
:Input "SOLUTION F(X) = ",Str1
:If (M=0)
:DrawF Y9
:RecallPic 0

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